The Doronai Nui is our BIONICLE G1 D20-based tabletop roleplaying game. Originally released in 2018, we've continued to update and expand upon the original system over the years, building toward what we hope will eventually be a fully-featured representation of the BIONICLE universe.
Currently, the Doronai Nui (version 0.12.0) offers over two dozen playable species, over 100 Kanohi masks, and the sixteen primary and secondary Elements. It also features subsystems for crafting, building weapons, vehicles, structures, environments, and more! We also offer a smaller version of the game, the Doronai Kofo, for those seeking a less complex system. We periodically release updates to the game to fix bugs as well as add new features - in order to get the most up-to-date game experience, make sure you've downloaded the latest update!
The system is still in its beta stage, and we welcome feedback on how you think it could be improved. Found something that doesn't work as it should? Let us know! You can get in touch with us via the email address listed in the footer, one of our social media pages, or our Discord server.
The game, its updates, and expansions are all provided for free, and can be downloaded from the pages linked below; the game files are available to download both as a single ZIP bundle or as individual PDFs (coming soon - the site is still under construction!).

Character Sheet
No matter what sort of journey you're embarking on, the Character Sheet is here to help you track all your characters' stats, notes, and more.

Quick Start Guide
Not sure where to begin? The Quick Start Guide is here to help you set off on your next adventure, with useful resources for players and Game Masters alike.

Rules Guide
The core of the Doronai Nui is the Rules Guide. The most important parts of the system live here, with information on everything from character creation, skills, combat, downtime, and beyond.

Species Index
The Species Index contains all the playable species that the Doronai Nui currently has to offer: over two dozen in total. With heroic Toa, vicious Skakdi, scheming Vortixx, and more - who will you become?

Supertypes and Archetypes Index
The Supertypes and Archetypes Index is your primary gateway to new abilities, unlocking greater powers as you level up.

Equipment Index
Forge your own weapons, tools and armor with the Equipment Index. We've also furnished a veritable armory of pre-built equipment to get you ready for battle faster than ever.

Kanohi Index
The Kanohi Index provides masks of power - over 100 in total - in both standard and Nuva varieties for you to collect on your adventures.

Elemental Index
The power of the elements is at your fingertips with the Elemental Index, featuring the primary, secondary, and tertiary elements of the Matoran Universe.

Powers Index
The Matoran Universe is home to an incredible plethora of powers - and with the Powers Index, you can create abilities of your very own.

Crafting Guide
Turn the very materials of the world to your whims with the Crafting Guide, concocting strange brews that will soothe your allies and scourge your enemies.

Machines Index
Unleash your inner mechanic with the Machines Index! Here, you will find blazing-fast vehicles as well as Rahkshi, Vahki, and other robots, as well as the creatures that pilot them.

Mutations Index
The Mutations Index is home to all manner of mutagens, allowing you to transform life itself into new and unusual shapes.

Buildings Index
Construct mighty towers, imposing fortresses, and bustling cities with the Buildings Index. We've also included pre-built rooms and structures for your convenience!

Environmental Guide
Storms, winds, waves, and more are yours to command with the Environmental Guide! From temperate jungles and beaches of golden sands to bone-chilling mountaintops, you can build a world fit for your next story.

Economy Manual
Whether you're looking to populate a bustling industrial center with shops or haggle for just a few more Widgets, the Economy Manual is here to help.

NPC Corpuses
The universe is home to a wide variety of beings - friends, foes, and everyone in between - many of whom are catalogued in the NPC Corpuses.

Rahi Corpuses
The many beasts of the universe are catalogued in the Rahi Corpus, ready to challenge your next team of wanderers.

Extraplanar Index
Strange and bizarre things live beyond the confines of Canon, some of which are recorded in the Extraplanar Index.
The Doronai Nui is published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. You can read about it here, or find the full text of the license here.
Looking for an older version of the game? Previous versions of the Doronai Nui are available from the Archived Content page (coming soon - thank you for your patience).