Doronai Nui version 0.12.0 is now available!
"The fillers and the filers will have a field day with this one..."
"Always so negative. It's like you can't enjoy the fun inherent in the process!"
The Makuta rolled his eyes as the wet snapping and hissing of procetyline torches filled the laboratory. "You really do delight in creating these... monstrosities, don't you, Chirox."
"Dear colleague, you've just got to open your mind to the..." Drops of acid became a flowing sizzle in the background of the conversation as the great scorpion stood in its enclosure for the first time, "... possibilities in our work."
Welcome, one and all, to the grand debut of the Doronai Nui 0.12! As we march ever closer to completion, we have full crystal slates of changes and updates for you, up to and including the addition of yet more masks, a clarification of a lot of rules in our Quick Start Guide, and bringing elemental abilities into more parity with the rest of the combat design of the system. You can also crack into an even larger and better organized Supertypes and Archetypes index, including two new Supertypes for the roleplayer and for the masters of Powers among you. But, the piece de resistance is the addition of the long-awaited Mutations Index, a 39 page primer on the critical powers needed to create living things in the Matoran Universe.
Download version 0.12.0 of the Doronai Nui here.
Check out the 0.12.0 changelog here.